12.1 Manually Adding Users to the Internal GroupWise Directory

To manually add a user to the internal GroupWise directory:

  1. In the GroupWise Administration console, click Users > New.

  2. Specify the user’s GroupWise user name, along with the user’s first name and last name.

  3. In the Post Office field, start typing the name of the post office to select it.


    Select the post office from the drop-down list.

  4. Select Create Another User to create at least one more user in your new GroupWise system.

    For more detailed information about planning and adding users, see Creating GroupWise Accounts in the GroupWise Administration Guide.

  5. To provide additional information for each user, click Users, and then click each user to display and edit the properties of each User object.

  6. After you have created at least two users, continue with Testing the Users.