You can view your schedule in a variety of views or formats, including day, week, month, year, task list, project planner, and multi-user. For example, the month view lets you view a month schedule; the Multi-User view lets you view, compare, and manage the schedules of multiple users or resources to whose Calendars you have proxy rights; and the Summary Calendar Panel lets you see a text summary of your calendar.
Section 26.0, Understanding the Calendar
Section 27.0, Viewing Your Calendar
Section 28.0, Managing Your Calendar
Section 29.0, Sending Calendar Items
Section 30.0, Receiving Calendar Items
Section 31.0, Setting Calendar Alarms
Section 32.0, Sharing a Personal Calendar
Section 33.0, Subscribing to an Internet Calendar
Section 34.0, Publishing Personal Calendars on the Internet
Section 35.0, Sharing Your Free/Busy Schedule on the Internet
Section 36.0, Using the Multi-User Calendar
Section 37.0, Displaying Another User’s Calendar in Your Own Calendar
Section 38.0, Printing a Calendar
Section 39.0, Junking Calendar Items from Unknown Senders