28.6 Importing a Calendar

You can import a calendar that has been saved as a .ics file. For information about saving a calendar as a file, see Exporting a Calendar.

  1. Right-click the Calendar tab, or right-click the main calendar, and then click Import Calendar.

  2. Specify the file name of the calendar you want to import, including the path to the file, or click Browse and locate the file.

  3. (Conditional) If you want to rename the calendar, specify a new name; otherwise, leave the existing name in the Name field.

    If the name specified for the new calendar is the same as a calendar you already have, the new calendar is added into the existing calendar.

  4. If a description field is available for the calendar you are importing, type a description, and then specify whether to replace or add to the existing contents.

  5. Click OK.