30.6 Saving Calendar Items

Saved items remain in your Calendar as well as being copied to the location you specify. Items are saved with a .rtf extension so that they can also be opened in a word processor. Attachments are saved in their original format.

  1. In your Mailbox or Calendar, click the item you want to save, and then click File > Save As.

  2. Ctrl+click the item and attachments you want to save.

  3. Select to save the item to disk or to a GroupWise library.

  4. Type a file name for the item in the Filename field.


    Type a subject name in the Subject field.

  5. To save the item in a different location than is currently shown, browse to the desired location.


    To save the item in a different GroupWise Library, click the drop-down list, and then select a library name.

  6. If you are saving to a GroupWise Library, ensure that Set properties using default values is selected unless you want to specify document properties at this time.

  7. Click Save, and then click Close.