33.1 Manually Subscribing to an Internet Calendar

To manually subscribe to an Internet calendar, you need to first locate the calendar address in iCal format from the vendor’s calendar settings. See the examples in Step 2 for more information.

  1. In the Folder List, right-click the main GroupWise calendar, and then click Subscribe.

  2. Type or paste the URL address (<address>.ics) of the Internet calendar you are subscribing to in the Location field. Examples for locating the URL are included below for Google and Outlook 365 calendars:

    • Google Calendar:

      1. Open your Google Calendar on the web.

      2. Click a calendar in the My calenders or Other calendars section and select Calendar settings in the expansion list.

      3. In the Integrate calendar section, copy the address for Secret address in iCal format.

    • Outlook 365 Calendar:

      1. Open your Outlook Calendar on the web.

      2. Click the Settings cog and select the View All Outlook settings link.

      3. Click Shared calendars and publish the calendar you want to subscribe to.

      4. Copy the ICS address that is shown after publishing.

  3. In the Folder Name field, type the folder name for the new Internet calendar.

  4. In the Update Frequency drop-down list, select how often you want the calendar contents to be updated.

  5. Click Subscribe.