56.4 Using Wildcard Characters and Switches in Advanced Finds and Rules

The wildcard characters and switches are available in the Advanced Find dialog box and the Define Conditions dialog box only when you select fields that allow you to type text, such as the Subject field.

The following table describes the uses for each character or switch, as well as which operators they can be used with.

Wildcard Character(s) and Switches

What the Find or Rule Will Match

Operators That Support the Wildcard Character or Switch

AND, &, or a space

All items that meet two or more conditions. For example, mountain & goat, mountain AND goat, and mountain goat all find items containing the words “mountain” and “goat.”


Does Not Contain

OR or |

All items that meet one of two or more conditions. For example, mountain goat and mountain OR goat both find items containing “mountain” or “goat” or both words.


Does Not Contain

NOT or !

All items containing one condition but not the other. For example, mountain ! goat and mountain NOT goat both find items containing the word “mountain” but not the word “goat.” Items that contain both are not included.


Does Not Contain


All text found within quotation marks. For example, “mountain goats” finds all items containing the phrase “mountain goats.” In [] Contains and [x] Does Not Contain operators. It forces the search to include adjacent words.


Does Not Contain


Matches any one character. For example, jo?n finds all items containing the word “john,”“joan,”“join,” and so on.

Begins With


Not Equal To


Matches zero or more characters. For example, mountain* finds all items containing the words “mountain,” “mountains,” “mountainous,” and so on.

Begins With


Not Equal To