99.3 Installing GroupWise Check

Depending on how GroupWise Check is installed, you can have a Repair Mailbox item on the Tools menu that enables you to run GWCheck from the client. If the GWCheck utility is available to you, you can perform database maintenance on your Remote, Caching, and archive mailboxes.

In order for the Repair Mailbox item to display on the Tools menu, the following files must be installed in the GroupWise directory. By default, this is C:\Program Files(x86)\Novell\GroupWise.

  • gwcheck.exe

  • gwchkxx.dll (Replace xx with your language code)

The GroupWise administrator can install these files by using SetupIP to install your GroupWise client, and selecting to install and enable GWCheck. The default is for SetupIP to install GWCheck, but not enable it.

If you do not see the Repair Mailbox option in the Tools menu:

Copy the files listed above from the GWCheck directory (\Novell\GroupWise\gwcheck) to the main GroupWise directory (\Novell\GroupWise).