99.5 Rebuilding the Mailbox Structure

The Structural Rebuild action of GroupWise Mailbox Maintenance forces a structural rebuild of a database in your Mailbox regardless of whether problems with the database have been detected through using the Analyze/Fix Databases action. A structural rebuild ensures that the various record containers in the database are correctly organized so that data can be successfully retrieved from them by the GroupWise client.

To perform a structural rebuild on your Mailbox:

  1. Click Tools > Repair Mailbox, and then click Yes.

  2. From the Actions drop-down list, select Structural Rebuild.

  3. On the Databases tab, select one or more databases to rebuild.

    For information about the databases, see Understanding Mailbox Maintenance.

  4. On the Logging tab, the Log File field shows that, by default, a file named gwchk32.log is created in the GroupWise client installation directory.

    You can specify a different file name and location. You can also select Verbose Logging to record more detailed information during the structural rebuild.

  5. Click Run to start the structural rebuild.

    A progress log displays during the structural rebuild.

    You can click Stop at any time to stop the rebuild. An error code is displayed, but it simply indicates that the process has been stopped.

    You can click Statistics at any time during the rebuild to add interim statistical information to the log, such as how many problems have been corrected so far in the structural rebuild process.

  6. Click Close, and then click OK when the structural rebuild is complete.

  7. Click Close to return to your GroupWise mailbox.