47.0 Understanding Tasks

A task is an item that has a due date and requires a specific action. You can post a task for yourself or accept a task from another person.

After it is accepted, a task appears on the Calendar on its start date and carries over to each succeeding day. When the due date is past, the task displays in red on the Calendar.

After you finish a task, you can mark it as complete. When you mark a task as complete, it no longer carries over to the next day on your Calendar.

As the originator of an assigned task, you can have GroupWise send you notification when the task is marked as complete. (You must have Notify running to receive notification.) A Completed status, including the date and time the task was marked as complete, is placed in the Properties window for the task.

If you want to list tasks that you have assigned to other people, there are different ways that you can organize and filter tasks to list them in aggregate. Here are a few examples:

  • Create a sub-folder: You can drag and drop tasks that you create to applicable folders. In this scenario, you could create a folder under Mailbox and name it something like “Assigned Tasks”. With the folder created, simply drag and drop all tasks that you send to other people from Sent Items to this new folder and they will all be listed there anytime you open the folder.

  • Filter Sent Items: What happens if you forget to move tasks that you send to a new folder? In this scenario, you may want to always leave sent tasks in your Sent Items folder and then filter those items to only look at tasks that you have sent. To do this, follow these steps:

    1. Click Sent Items in the navigation pane, and then select In ‘Sent Items’ folder... from the search drop-down menu in the Sent Items list.

      This will open the Find slide-out panel.

    2. Click More options... in the Find panel to open the Advanced Filter.

    3. Select Item Type in first drop-down menu of the Advanced Filter and leave the = default operator.

    4. Choose Task in the Item Type list (drop-down menu), and click OK to only display tasks in the Sent Items list.

  • Use and filter the Tasklist: This example is sort of a combination of the two examples above. Instead of creating a new folder to drag your sent tasks to, you could drag them to your Tasklist folder after sending them. However, you will now have tasks assigned to you and tasks you assign to others listed in the same folder. To just show the tasks that you assign to others, follow these steps:

    1. Click Tasklist in the navigation pane, and then select In ‘Tasklist’ folder... from the search drop-down menu in the Tasklist.

    2. Click More options... in the Find panel to open the Advanced Filter.

    3. Select Item Type in first drop-down menu of the Advanced Filter and leave the = default operator.

    4. Choose Task in the Item Type list (drop-down menu).

    5. Change the End operator to And.

    6. Select To in the new drop-down menu, and click OK to list only those tasks that you have sent ‘to’ people.