The eDirectory View displays the GroupWise objects in their contexts in the eDirectory tree, as shown in the following example.
The GroupWise View filters out all non-GroupWise objects and shows how the GroupWise objects relate to each other in the GroupWise system, as shown in the following example.
In the left pane, all Domain objects are displayed under the GroupWise system, and all Post Office objects are subordinate to the domains where they reside. You can select the GroupWise system, a domain, or a post office in the left pane and then use the GroupWise Object list (located on the tool bar) to display associated objects (Users, Resources, Message Transfer Agents, and so forth) in the right pane. In the above example, the GroupWise System is selected in the left pane, the GroupWise Object list is set to Users, so the right pane is displaying all users in the entire GroupWise system.