GroupWise Client Requirements
- Any of the following desktop operating systems for the GroupWise Windows client
- Windows 98 on a Pentium* 133 or higher with at least 48 MB of RAM
- Windows NT on a Pentium 133 or higher with at least 64 MB of RAM
- Windows 2000 on a Pentium 200 or higher with at least 128 MB of RAM
- Windows XP on a Pentium 300 or higher with at least 128 MB of RAM
- Plus 60 MB of free disk space on each user's workstation to install the Windows client
- Any of the following desktop operating systems for the GroupWise Cross-Platform client:
- SUSE Linux Desktop, SUSE Linux 8.2, or SUSE Linux 9 Professional, plus the KDE desktop or the GNOME desktop
- Red Hat 9 or Red Hat Enterprise 3 WS, plus the GNOME desktop
- Macintosh OS 10.3 (Panther)
- Plus Java Virtual Machine (JVM) 1.4.2 or later
- Plus 40 MB of free disk space on each user's workstation to install the Cross-Platform client
- Any of the following Web browsers for the WebAccess client:
- Windows: Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or later; Netscape Navigator 4.0 or later
- Linux: Mozilla 1.4 or later and comparable Mozilla-based browsers
- Macintosh: Safari 1.0 or later, Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.5 or later; Netscape Navigator 4.51 or later
- UNIX: Netscape 4.0 or later; Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or later
- Any of the following wireless devices for the WebAccess client:
- Any wireless device that supports the Wireless Access Protocol (WAP) and has a microbrowser that uses Handheld Device Markup Language (HDML) 3.0 or above or Wireless Markup Language (WML) 1.1 or above
- A Palm OS* device with any Palm OS version that supports Web Clipping Applications (PQAs)
- A Windows CE device with any Windows CE version