Source: GroupWise engine; administration services.
Explanation: No authentication.
Possible Cause: An administration command was received that did not contain the proper authentication. This command might have originated outside the system, or the administration database (wpdomain.db or wphost.db) at the destination domain/post office has been replaced with an invalid version.
Action: Monitor and log the source of the command. Rebuild the domain or post office database. See "Rebuilding Domain or Post Office Databases" in "Databases" in the GroupWise 6.5 Administration Guide.
Possible Cause: If this error occurs after a configuration change (for example, after changing which domain is the primary domain of your GroupWise system), the configuration change might not have replicated throughout the system in time to support a following change (for example, adding a user).
Action: Wait for replication to complete, then synchronize the object that caused the error. See "Synchronizing Database Information" in "Databases" in the GroupWise 6.5 Administration Guide.
Action: If you do not want to wait for replication to complete, you can rebuild the secondary domain database. See "Rebuilding Domain or Post Office Databases" in "Databases" in the GroupWise 6.5 Administration Guide.
Possible Cause: If this error occurs when synchronizing domains or post offices, the databases might be damaged.
Action: Rebuild the databases, then synchronize the databases.