Problem: The administrator wants to integrate a new application with the GroupWise Windows client.
Explanation: Integrations are set up using the gwappint.inf file, located in the \windows\system directory. This file contains information about integrating applications started from the GroupWise client. It can be edited using an ASCII or ANSI text editor.
Action: To integrate a new application, create a new section in the gwappint.inf file by surrounding the name of the program with square brackets. For example, [WPWIN.EXE]. Use the following options to define the integration:
Integrations=2: If the application is ODMA-compliant, specify Integrations=2.
Integrations=1: If the application has its own macro language and you want to write a startup macro, use Integrations=1, followed by AppKey=application_name. Use the application to create the startup macro and place the startup macro in the application's startup directory.
DualExe: For some applications, the name of the file containing the actual application is different from what you type to start the application. For example, to start WordPerfect 6.1, you type WPWIN, but the WordPerfect 6.1 program is actually contained in a file named wpwin61.exe. For such applications, you use the name of the program that starts the application as the section heading. For example, [WPWIN.EXE]. Then you use DualExe to specify the name of the file that actually contains the application. For example, dualexe=wpwin61.exe. You would need to consult the application documentation or its installation directory to determine the filename to use with DualExe.