Message Transfer from the Internet to GroupWise

The diagram below shows the flow of inbound messages from the Internet through the GroupWise directory structure to the GroupWise recipient.

Inbound message flow from the Internet
Stage Actor Action

Stage 1
Agent for

Internet Agent icon

A message is sent from an Internet user to a GroupWise user and the Internet Agent places the message in the wpgate\gwia\receive directory.

Stage 2
Agent for

Internet Agent icon

The Internet Agent polls the receive directory, converts the message to GroupWise format and places it in the wpgate\gwia\wpcsin\0-7 directory, where 0-7 is one of the priority directories from 0-7. The Internet Agent puts messages only in the 4 directory.

Stage 3
MTA for

MTA icon

The Message Transfer Agent polls the domain\wpgate\gwia\wpcsin\fd0-7f directory and moves the file to the post_office\wpcsout\ofs\0-7 directory.

Stage 4
POA for
Post Office

POA icon

The POA polls its input queue regularly. When it detects a new message, the POA in the recipient's post office performs the following actions:

  • Adds the message to the message database (msgnn.db file) corresponding to the one assigned to the sender.
  • Creates a pointer in the recipient's user database (userxxx.db file), so the message appears in the recipient's Mailbox and updates the notification information in the user database so the recipient can be notified of the message.
  • Places attachments larger than 2 KB in the post_office\offiles\fd0-f6 subdirectory corresponding to the one assigned to the sender and creates pointers from the message to its attachments. (For database efficiency, messages and recipient lists larger than 2 KB are also handled as attachments.)

Stage 5

Client icon

The Notify component of the recipient's GroupWise client notifies the recipient that a new message has arrived.

Stage 6

User icon

Each recipient opens the message in the GroupWise client.