Using Caching Mode

Caching mode stores a copy of your network mailbox, including your messages and other information, on your local drive. This allows you to use GroupWise® whether or not your network or Post Office Agent is available. Because you are not connected to the network all the time, this mode cuts down on network traffic and has the best performance. A connection is made automatically to retrieve and send new messages. All updates are performed in the background so your work is not interrupted.

You should use this mode if you have enough disk space on your local drive to store your mailbox.

Several users can set up their Caching Mailboxes on a single shared computer.

Mailbox view with Caching mode selected

If you run Caching Mode and Remote Mode on the same computer, the same local mailbox (also called the Caching Mailbox or Remote Mailbox) can be used to minimize disk space usage. For information about Remote mode, see Using Remote Mode.

If disk space is limited, you can restrict the items that are downloaded to your local mailbox. You can specify to get the subject line only or specify a size limit.

Your system administrator can specify settings that do not allow you to use Caching mode or that require you to use only Caching mode.

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