gwinter (1)


gwinter - GroupWise WebAccess Agent.


gwinter [--show] --home gateway_directory
gwinter [--show] @startup_file


The WebAccess Agent receives user requests to view messages and documents from the WebAccess Application and WebPublisher Application, accesses post offices and libraries to process the requests, and then passes information back to the applications for display in your Web browser. The WebAccess Agent is required for both WebAccess and WebPublisher.

You can provide WebAccess Agent startup switches on the command line or in a startup file. By default, the startup file is named after the agent’s object name and has a .waa extension, for example, webac80a.waa.


Usage Options:

--home gateway_directory

Specifies the path to the WebAccess Agent’s gateway directory under the domain directory (domain_name/wpgate/webac80a).


Specifies a startup file to use, for example, webac80a.waa. You can add any of the WebAccess Agent startup switches to the startup file and then reference the file when starting the WebAccess Agent. The default startup file, webac80a.waa, automatically includes the --home switch set to the WebAccess gateway directory.


Displays log information about the WebAccess Agent in the terminal window where you start the WebAccess Agent. By default, no user interface is provided for the WebAccess Agent on Linux. The --show startup switch can only be used on the command line; it cannot be placed in the startup file.

Help Options:

--help , -?

Displays the help information and exits.



Startup file where startup switches are specified.


Log file where error messages are written.


By default, this program runs as root, but it is preferable to run it as a non-root user. See the GroupWise Installation Guide to set up the WebAccess Agent to run as a non-root user.

/opt/novell/groupwise/agents/bin/gwinter --home /gwsystem/provo1/wpgate/webac80a

Starts the WebAccess Agent by specifying its gateway directory in the domain.

/opt/novell/groupwise/agents/bin/gwia @webac80a.waa

Starts the WebAccess Agent by specifying its startup file.

/opt/novell/groupwise/agents/bin/gwia --show @webac80a.waa

Runs the WebAccess Agent with a user interface.


The WebAccess Agent creates a new log file each day and each time it is started. The log file is named mmddweb.nnn, where mm is the month, dd is the day, and nnn is a sequenced number (001 for the first log file of the day, 002 for the second, and so forth). The default location for the log files is the /var/log/novell/groupwise/domain_name.gateway_name/000.prc directory.

For information about WebAccess Agent error messages, see Troubleshooting 1: Error Messages.


Copyright 2004-2010, Novell, Inc.. All rights reserved.

See Also

grpwise (1).

To report problems with this software or its documentation, visit Novell Bugzilla.