After you have gathered the information that the Exchange Gateway Installation program requires and have planned the information you need to configure the Exchange Gateway after installation, make sure that the Windows server where you plan to install the Exchange Gateway meets the system requirements listed in Section 2.0, Exchange Gateway System Requirements.
Make sure that the Novell Clientâ„¢ is installed on the Exchange server where you run the Installation program.
The Installation program creates a Gateway object in eDirectory. The Novell Client is required to access eDirectory. If necessary, you can download the Novell Client from the Novell Product Downloads site.
IMPORTANT:The Novell Client is not required on other Exchange servers where you install the Exchange Gateway Addressing Components.
Make sure that ConsoleOne is installed, along with the GroupWise Administrator snap-ins.
ConsoleOne and the GroupWise Administrator snap-ins are available on your GroupWise Administrator CD.
Log in to the server where the domain directory resides and map a drive to the domain directory (worksheet item 5).
The Installation program creates domain subdirectories and copies Exchange Gateway files to the subdirectories under the domain. This requires full file system rights to the domain directory.
IMPORTANT:The owning domain cannot reside on a Linux server, but the Exchange Gateway can still service domains that reside on Linux servers by way of TCP/IP links.
Log in to eDirectory with Admin-equivalent rights to the eDirectory tree where the Domain object resides (worksheet item 4).
The Installation program creates a Gateway object under the Domain object.
Continue with Adding the Exchange Library Directory to the Path Variable.