You can use MCheck to perform the following actions:
Gather configuration settings for your Mobility system.
Verify that the contents of the GroupWise Address Book have synchronized to the Mobility system.
Verify the Mobility SSL configuration
Verify that the contents of a GroupWise user’s mailbox have synchronized to the Mobility system.
Remove a user that was originally added using the Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack software to either the GroupWise Connector or the Mobility Connector, but not both.
Remove old event configurations.
To run MCheck:
In a terminal window on the Mobility server, become root by entering su - and the root password.
Change to the following directory:
Run the following command:
python mcheck.pyc
The main MCheck menu displays.
1 System 2 Users 0 Exit Select Option:
Type the number for the action that you want to perform.
1 System 1 Get Mobility Configuration 2 GroupWise System Address Book Check 3 SSL Check 2 Users 1 Check User 2 Remove Old Event Configurations
View the MCheck log file for results and recommendations.
A log file for each action is created in the following directory:
Action |
Log File Name |
Gather configuration settings |
mobConfiguration_dateTtime.log |
Verify the GroupWise Address Book |
sab_dateTtime.log |
Verify the user’s mailbox |
username_dateTtime.log |
Veritfy the Mobility SSL settings |
sslCheck_dateTtime.log |
Remove event configurations |
removeEventConfigurations_dateTtime.log |