Used to allow policies to inject an additional custom data payload to be carried along with any event or command. It is stripped from the event or command before it is submitted to the application shim and then reassociated with any corresponding response elements (as determined by matching event-id) after they are returned to Identity Manager.
The content of the <operation-data> can be any well-formed XML, but it is recommended that any elements and attributes be placed in a custom namespace to avoid having them confused with standard Identity Manager operations.
The typical use for <operation-data> is to create a policy that supplies additional context on an operation that might be needed by the policy that handles the results of that operation.
For operations whose content is normally PCDATA, there should only be one <operation-data> and it should be after any character data. This is contrary to the content rule specified by the DTD because DTDs for mixed content do not allow more precise specification.
<operation-data xmlns:mystuff=""> <mystuff:notify></mystuff:notify></operation-data>