You can retrieve values with a policy by calling methods from the driver shim. The following example demonstrates retrieving values with XPath expressions:
<do-set-local-variable name="DriverDN"> <arg-string> <token-text xml:space="preserve">\MYD1\mydriver\drivers\NxSettings</token-text> </arg-string> </do-set-local-variable> <do-set-local-variable name="driverShimInstance"> <arg-object> <token-xpath expression="NxSettingsInstance:getInstance($DriverDN)"/> </arg-object> </do-set-local-variable> <do-set-local-variable name="uid"> <arg-string> <token-xpath expression='driverShim:getNextRangeValue($driverShimInstance,"DefaultSet", "uid")'/> </arg-string> </do-set-local-variable>
This works as follows:
Local variable “DriverDN” is set to the DN of the driver. This value is used to retrieve the correct instance of the driver shim from the Java* virtual machine.
The static getInstance method is called on the driver shim to retrieve a handle to the shim object.
The getNextRangeValue method is called on the driver shim with the following arguments: