Determines if a given user matches an AS.USER.INCLUDE or AS.USER.EXCLUDE statement in the platform configuration file.
#include <ascauth.h>
int ASC_USER_INCLUDE_EXCLUDE(ASCENV *asce, char *user);
Returns one of the following integer values defined in ascauth.h:
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ascauth.h> rc = ASC_USER_INCLUDE_EXCLUDE(asce, userid); if (rc == AS_NOMATCH) printf("%s does not match an Include or Exclude statement\n", userid); else if (rc == AS_INCLUDED) printf("%s matches an Include statement\n", userid); else if (rc == AS_EXCLUDED) printf("%s matches an Exclude statement\n", userid); else printf("RC=%d, %s", rc, ASC_STRERROR(rc));