The BAPIs utilized to perform the CUA integration are documented as being available for SAP version 4.0A in the SAP system documentation. Novell® has successfully tested this functionality for SAP R/3 version 4.6C and later. This includes all versions of SAP Web Application Server. For 4.6C systems, the BAPIs are not documented by SAP in the system documentation and support might not be available.
Password distribution to the CUA Central system can be performed for all initial set and reset operations. However, passwords provisioned to CUA Child systems from the Central system can only be initially set. Password change/reset operations cannot be distributed to Child systems. This is a SAP-designed restriction and is not a limitation of the methodology used by the driver. SAP has determined that setting a single password across systems via CUA violates client system administrative authority and security, so they recommend the use of Single Sign-On (SSO) products to perform this task. Refer to SAP’s documentation related to Password Change for more explicit information on this restriction.
User Classification (Licensing) table entries may only be made to systems listed in the
tab on the User record. If Central Licensing values are to be set while adding Users to the CUA Central System, make sure all targeted client systems are also available by setting a DirXML-sapLocRoles or DirXML-sapLocProfiles value for them in the Add event.