The ID client can be used inside of DirXML style sheets calling the getNextID function of the com.novell.ncs.idsrv.IDClient Java class.
To obtain the next available ID from an ID Policy object in the Identity Vault, the ID client uses the following parameters to communicate with the ID Provider driver:
<xsl:variable name="RMIServer" select="''"/> <xsl:variable name="RMIPort" select="'1099'"/> <xsl:variable name="UIDRule" select="'Unix UID'"/> <xsl:variable name="IDClient" select="'NIS-SUB-A-CST'"/> <xsl:variable name="GIDRule" select="'Unix GID'"/> <xsl:variable name="Tracelevel" select="'9'"/> <xsl:variable name="uid" select="id:getNextID($RMIServer,$RMIPort,$UIDRule,$IDClient,$Tracelevel)"/>