4.1 Configuring Driver Settings

  1. In iManager, click Identity Manager > Identity Manager Overview.

  2. Locate the driver set that contains the SOAP driver, then click the driver’s icon.

  3. From the Identity Manager Driver Overview, click the SOAP driver object, which displays the driver configurations.

  4. Specify driver module information:

    1. In the Driver Module section, select Java.

    2. In the Name field, specify the following SOAP driver Java class name:


  5. Specify driver object password information:

    1. Scroll to the Driver Object Password section, then click Set password.

    2. In the fields, enter and re-enter the driver object password.

  6. Specify authentication information:

    1. Scroll to the Authentication section.

    2. Specify the Authentication ID.

    3. Specify the Authentication context.

    4. Specify Remote loader connection parameters.

    5. Specify the Driver cache limit (kilobytes).

    6. Specify Application password by clicking Set password.

    7. Enter and re-enter the Application password.

  7. Specify startup information:

    1. Scroll to the Startup section.

    2. Select one of the following:

      • Auto Start: The driver starts automatically when eDirectory™ starts.

      • Manual: The driver must be started manually using iManager.

      • Disabled: The driver will not run.

  8. Specify the following driver settings:




    Driver Settings

    <nds>, <input>, <output> Element Handling

    Specify Remove/add elements if you want the driver shim to remove and add the required XML elements <nds>, <input>, and <output>.

    The required elements are removed from XML documents sent to the application and are added to XML documents received from the application before presenting the document to the Metadirectory engine. Otherwise, specify Pass elements through to turn off this element handling.

    Custom Java Extensions

    Specify Show if you have developed custom Java classes to extend the driver shim’s functionality. Otherwise, specify Hide.

    For more information, see Section A.0, Using Java Extensions.

    Subscriber Settings

    URL of the Remote DSML Server

    Enter the URL of the remote server and the port number that the server listens on.

    The URL should begin with http:// unless you have configured SSL settings, in which case it should begin with https:// and use a DNS hostname rather than an IP address.

    (Conditional) Authentication ID

    If the remote server requires an authentication ID, enter the ID in the field. Otherwise, leave the field empty.

    (Conditional) Authentication Password and Re-Enter Authentication Password

    Enter the authentication password for the remote server if you entered an Authentication ID above. Otherwise, leave the field empty.

    Remove Existing Password

    Click the box to remove the existing password. Then specify the new password in the Authentication Password and Re-Enter Authentication Password fields.

    You cannot change the password without selecting the box.

    Truststore File

    Specify the name and path of the keystore file containing the trusted certificates used when the remote server is configured to provide server authentication. For example: c:\security\truststore. Leave this field empty when server authentication is not used.

    Set mutual authentication parameters

    Specify Show to set mutual authentication information. Specify Hide to not use mutual authentication.

    Proxy Host and Port

    Specify the host address and the host port when a proxy host and port are used. For example:

    Or, if a proxy host and port are not used, leave this field empty.


    Handle HTTP session cookies

    Some HTTP applications set cookies and expect them to be present on future requests. Select Handle Cookies if you want the driver to keep track of session cookies.

    Cookies are only kept until the driver is stopped.

    Select Ignore Cookies if the HTTP application does not require cookies.

    Customize HTTP Request Header Fields

    Select Show to enable customized header fields or select Hide to disable the feature. Each of the following fields is conditional, depending on if you select User or Ignore.

    • Authorization: If you select Use, specify the key and value in the appropriate fields. This header is automatically used if you enter an authentication ID and password in the Subscriber Settings.

    • Context Type: If you select Use, specify the key and value in the appropriate fields.

    • SOAPAction: If you select Use, specify the key and value in the appropriate fields.

    • Optional Request Header: If you select Use, specify the key and value in the appropriate fields. You can specify up to three optional request headers.

    Publisher Settings

    Listening IP address and port

    Specify the IP address of the server where the SOAP driver is installed and the port number that this driver listens on.

    If you imported a sample configuration file, this field contains the IP address and port that you specified in the wizard.

    (Conditional) Authentication ID

    Specify the Authentication ID of the remote server to validate incoming requests. If the remote server does not send an Authentication ID, leave this field empty.

    If you imported a sample configuration file, this field contains the IP address and port that you specified in the wizard.

    (Conditional) Authentication Password and Re-Enter Authentication Password

    Specify the authentication password of the remote server to validate incoming requests if you entered an Authentication ID above. Otherwise, leave these fields empty.

    Remove existing password

    Click the box to remove the existing password, then specify the new password in the Authentication Password and Re-Enter Authentication Password fields.

    You cannot change the password without selecting the box.

    KMO name

    Specify the KMO name to be used in eDirectory.

    When the server is configured to accept HTTPS connections, this name becomes the KMO name in eDirectory. The KMO name is the name before the “-” (dash) in the RDN.

    Leave this field empty when a keystore file (see keystore file below) is used or when HTTPS connections are not used.

    Keystore file

    Specify the keystore name and path to the keystore file. This file is used when the server is configured to accept HTTPS connections,

    Leave this field empty when a KMO name is used (see KMO name above) or when HTTPS connections are not used.

    Keystore password

    Specify the keystore file password used with the keystore file specified above when this server is configured to accept HTTPS connections.

    Leave this field empty when a KMO name is used or when HTTPS connections are not used.

    Server key alias

    Specify a Server key alias when this server is configured to accept HTTPS connections.

    Leave this field empty when a KMO name is used or when HTTPS connections are not used.

    Server key password

    When this server is configured to accept HTTPS connections, this is the key alias password (not the keystore password). Leave this field empty when a KMO name is used (see above) or when HTTPS connections are not used.

    Heartbeat Interval in Seconds

    Specify the heartbeat interval in seconds.

    Leave this field empty to turn off the heartbeat. For more information about the heartbeat, see Adding Driver Heartbeat in the Novell Identity Manager 3.0.1 Administration Guide .

  9. Click Apply, then click OK.