5.3 E-Mailing Your Information

The My Profile page enables e-mailing details as links:

  1. Click the Send Identity Info link toward the top of the My Profile page.

    A new message is created in your default e-mail client. The following parts of the message are already filled in for you:

    This part of the message



    The text:

    Identity Information for your-user-id


    A greeting, message, link, and your name.

    The link (URL) is to the Profile page that displays detailed information about you.

    This link prompts the recipient to log in to the Identity Manager User Application before it displays any information. The recipient must have appropriate authority to view or edit the data.

    For example:

    E-Mailing a link to profile information
  2. Specify the recipients of the message (and any additional content that you want).

  3. Send the message.