Microsoft Service Packs are available at the Microsoft Web site.
IMPORTANT: Do not install other products, other than iFolder, on your IIS server.
You can do this in either of two ways: 1) If you have your own certificate server, such as Novell Certificate Server, then you can get a certificate from your server or 2) You can go to a certificate vendor, such as Entrust* or VeriSign*, and purchase a certificate. For more information on installing and creating SSL certificates for IIS 4, go to the Microsoft Product Support Services Web site. For information on SSL certificates for IIS 5, go to the Microsoft Product Support Services Web site.
Use either Netscape* 4.7 or IE 5 or later to access the iFolder Web site and the iFolder Management Console.
NOTE: Netscape 6 is not supported with this release.
For other browser limitations, see the iFolder Professional Edition Known Issues.