What should I do if I get a -107 login error? This error means that you are having problems connecting to the Internet. Make sure that you can access the Internet by launching a browser before you log in. If you have an active Internet connection but are still getting this error, contact your network administrator.
What should I do if I try to log in but get an error message about an unauthorized account? Contact your network administrator. Your iFolder account has not yet been enabled.
Are my files encrypted on my local computer? No, your data is encrypted only when it travels across the wire and when it is stored on the iFolder server.
Can I share my iFolder account with other iFolder users? No. Your iFolder files can be accessed only with your unique network ID, password, and pass phrase. However, sharing will be available in a future release of this product.
What should I do if I forget my pass phrase? If you forget your pass phrase, contact your network administrator; he can recover it for you if you gave him permission to do so during the iFolder client installation.
What if I run out of disk space? If your iFolder account is running out of disk space, contact your network administrator to assign you more.
What if I change the location of my iFolder directory---do I also have to move my files? Yes. If you change the location of your iFolder directory, you need to manually move your iFolder files to the new location. For instructions, right-click the iFolder icon in the system tray and then click Help > Changing Your Local iFolder Directory.
Can I move the location of my iFolder directory after I have installed or upgraded the iFolder client? Yes. To do this, log in to the iFolder client, right-click the iFolder icon in the system tray, and then click Account Information > File > Set iFolder Location. You will then be logged out and prompted for the new location. Next, before you log back in, move your iFolder files to the new location. This will prevent iFolder from downloading your entire account to the new location.