For each iFolder server in your iFolder system, iFolder reports the following:
iFolder Server Name: The host name of the iFolder server. For example, iFolder_server01.
IP Address or DNS Name: The IP address or DNS name of the iFolder server. For example, or
Status: The current operational status of the iFolder server, either OK (up and running) or No (down).
User Accounts: The number of user accounts currently assigned to the iFolder server.
Current Users: The number of users currently connected to the iFolder server.
Current Sessions: The number of concurrent connections currently made between user workstations and the iFolder server. This might be more than the number of current users because a user might have multiple workstations synchronizing to a single user account.
Disk Space Available: The amount of disk space that is available on the iFolder user data volume that is not currently in use.
Server Up Time: The elapsed time between the last server start time and the current time, that is, the amount of time the iFolder server has been up and running.