iFolder 2.x can be configured to use the NSS volumes only in the case of post installation. iFolder sever is configured on NSS volume using the following installations:
If you select the local LDAP host option while configuring iFolder 2.x, you need to perform the following steps:
Run the following command at the shell prompt:
rights -f <full path of the ifolder data directory on NSS volume> -r all trustee novlifdr.<local eDir admin context>.<local edir tree name>
For example:
rights -f /media/nss/NSSVOL1/ifolderdata -r all trustee novlifdr.novell.MYTREE
where /media/nss/NSSVOL1/ifolderdata is the path of the iFolder data directory on NSS volume NSSVOL1, novell is the local eDirectory admin context, and MYTREE is the local eDirectory tree name
This command grants the iFolder instance of Apache rights to the iFolder data directory on NSS volume.
Run the following command to restart the iFolder 2.x server:
/etc/init.d/novell-ifolder restart
If you select the remote LDAP host option while configuring iFolder 2.x, you need to perform the following steps:
Run the following command at the shell prompt:
rights -f <path to ifolder data directory on NSS volume> -r all trustee novlifdr.<eDir admin context>.<eDir tree name>
where all references to eDirectory refer to the eDirectory tree used for NSS configuration.
For example:
rights -f /media/nss/NSSVOL1/ifolderdata -r all trustee novlifdr.novell.MYTREE
where /media/nss/NSSVOL1/ifolderdata is the path of the iFolder data directory on NSS volume NSSVOL1, novell is the eDirectory admin context, and MYTREE is the eDir tree name of the tree used for NSS configuration for the server on which iFolder is installed.
This command grants the iFolder instance of Apache rights to the iFolder data directory on NSS volume.
Run the following command to restart the iFolder 2.x server:
/etc/init.d/novell-ifolder restart