To synchronize your Lotus* Notes* files using Novell iFolder:
Add the following three lines to the notes.ini file:
NAMES=c:\documents and settings\username\my documents\ ifolder\username\home\names.nsf
KEYFILENAME=c:\documents and settings\username\my documents\ ifolder\username\home\
DESKTOP5=c:\documents and settings\username\my documents\ ifolder\username\home\desktop5.dsk
Copy the notes.ini, names.inf, desktop5.dsk, and files to your iFolder directory.
Modify the shortcut that is used to start Notes by typing the following in the Target field in the shortcut's Properties page:
c:\notes.exe =c:\docume~1\username\mydoc~1\ ifolder\username\home\notes.ini
To open the Properties page, right-click the Notes shortcut icon, then click Properties.
Activate your Internet connection and log in to the iFolder server to activate synchronization of your files in the local iFolder directory with your files elsewhere on the iFolder server and workstations.