iFolder Client for Linux
This section addresses the following issues:
iFolder client login to iFolder server is not going through and it displays message "error -105". How can I resolve this?
What kinds of files are not supported by iFolder client for Linux?
Can I select same location as iFolder Home for both Windows and Linux machines?
Where does iFolder store the user information?
Why is it that the files that I just downloaded are getting uploaded yet again?
Why is the Activity tab is not showing any activity?
Why is that the Activity tab displays synchronizing with server and synchronization complete even when the client is disconnected?
The About Novell iFolder box displays a question mark (?) as Machine Id. Why is this so?
Why do the icons for iFolder client for Linux differ from that of iFolder client for Windows?
At time, I view X lib error on the terminal from where I run iFolder. What is this?
I get this “gtk-critical error about gtktreeview change”. What does this imply?
When we restart the machine, why doesn’t the iFolder client for Linux automatically log in as in the iFolder client for Windows?
Why is it that unlike in iFolder client for Windows, the iFolder client for Linux supports Multiple instance of iFolder client on single machine, but same user cannot have Multiple instance of iFolder running?
Why does iFolder client crash while uploading data existing in iFolder location? How can I resolve this?
Why is it that iFolder client for Linux crashes while uploading Linux system specific files?