In addition to the benefits mentioned in Section 1.1, Benefits of iFolder, using the iFolder client with iFolder 3.9.2 provides the following capabilities:
You can create iFolders and store files securely on a central enterprise server for anytime, anywhere access through a passphrase known only to you. If you forget your passphrase, the Recovery agent helps you recover your data. You can also reset your passphrase for future use.
You can synchronizes files at any time through a central server, with improved availability, reliability, and performance over other sharing methods.
You can back up local files to a server.
You can back up iFolders to backup media.
You can restore files or entire iFolder contents from backup media.
You can centrally manage all iFolders in the enterprise server with policy-based administration tools.
You can manage all iFolders on the server via an enhanced Web Access console.