Configure the KDC server as follows:
Create a realm. From the /opt/novell/kerberos/sbin/ directory, enter the following:
kdb5_ldap_util -D admin_dn -H ldapuri create -subtrees subtree
For example:
kdb5_ldap_util -D cn=admin,o=mit -H ldaps:// create -subtrees o=mit
You can also create a realm through iManager as follows:
In Novell iManager, click the .
.For more information, refer to the online help available in iManager.
The realm is created under the cn=kerberos,cn=security container by default.
Create the KDC, Administration, and Password service objects in eDirectory by using the kdb5_ldap_util utility. The kdb5_ldap_util utility is present in the /opt/novell/kerberos/sbin/ directory:
kdb5_ldap_util -D admin_dn create_service {-kdc | -admin | -pwd} -realm realm_list [-randpw|-fileonly] -f filename servicedn
The keyfile name for all the services should be the same. It also needs to match the value of the ldap_service_password_file parameter in the /etc/krb5.conf file.
For example, to create a KDC server object:
kdb5_ldap_util -D cn=admin,o=mit create_service -kdc -realm ATHENA.MIT.EDU -randpw -f /opt/novell/kerberos/keyfile "cn=kdc-service,o=mit"
Similarly, create the Administration and Password service objects.
If you are creating the service objects with iManager, you must run kdb5_ldap_util to set the passwords as follows:
kdb5_ldap_util -D admin_dn setsrvpw [-randpw|-fileonly] [-f filename] service_dn
For example, to set the password of the service objects:
kdb5_ldap_util -D cn=admin,o=mit setsrvpw -randpw -f /opt/novell/kerberos/keyfile "cn=kdc-server,o=mit"
The service passwords are encrypted with NICI keys, so the keyfile cannot be moved to other hosts and used from there. Because the encryption keys are specific to the hosts and are not accessible from browsers, iManager does not provide an option to cache the service passwords.
Create the kadm5.acl file in /opt/novell/kerberos/kadm5.acl with "* *" as its content.
Administrative privileges for the Kerberos data are stored in the kadm5.acl file.
IMPORTANT:By using "* *" in the file, you give all privileges to all principals. After creating a principal, you must update this file with appropriate administrative privileges for that principal. For details, refer to the Novell Kerberos KDC Administration Guide.