Each of the utilities has a man page associated with it that contains information on the utility, such as a definition, usage, and samples. There is a known bug related to the MANPATH environment variable on both SUSE® Linux Enterprise Desktop and SUSE Linux. The ncl_man utility has been provided for convenience until the manpath bug is resolved. You should use the ncl_man command (instead of the traditional man command) to view NCL-related man pages. To do this, enter the following in a terminal the first time you want to view a Novell Client for Linux man page:
This modifies the MANPATH to allow the Novell Client man pages to be displayed.You can then access the man page for a specific Novell Client for Linux utility by entering the following:
ncl_man utility_name
For example:
ncl_man ncl_tray
In the man pages, use the PgUp and PgDn keys to move up and down. Use the Home and End keys to move between the beginning and the end of a document. To exit a man page, press q. You can learn more about the man command by entering man man in a terminal window.
You can also enter utility_name --help in a terminal window to access a help page for the utility.
For more information, see Section C.0, Novell Client for Linux Man Pages.