3.28 TREE

The TREE command can be used only with clients that support multiple eDirectory tree attachments.

Use TREE to attach to another eDirectory tree within the network and to access its resources.

The TREE command changes the focus of the login script so that all eDirectory object references in subsequent script commands (for drive mappings, print captures, etc.) apply to the eDirectory tree specified in the TREE command.

You can include multiple TREE commands within a login script, either to attach to additional trees or to switch the login script's “focus” back to a tree that the user is already attached to.

Command Format

TREE [EXTERNSYNC] tree_name[/complete_name[;password]]

Replace tree_name with the name of the eDirectory tree that you want the user to attach to.

Replace complete_name with the user's complete name (Distinguished Name) for the eDirectory tree that the user is attaching to. The complete name establishes the user's context in the tree. If you do not include the complete name, the user is prompted for a complete name when the TREE command is executed from the login script.

Replace password with the correct password for that user and tree. If the username and password are the same as the primary login username and password, you can omit the password and not be prompted for it.

IMPORTANT:Use caution when including passwords in a login script. It is more secure to eliminate the password. Then, at the point in the login script where the TREE command is executed, the user is prompted for the password.


To attach the user with the complete name MRICHARD.ACME (whose password is BUTTERFLY) to an eDirectory tree named CORP, add the following line to the login script:

TREE EXTERNSYNC corp/.mrichard.acme;butterfly