Workstation-to-Server Connections
If you have problems establishing or maintaining connections between your servers and workstations, try one or more of these troublshooting suggestions:
- Reboot the client workstation to clear the cache in the Novell® ClientTM.
- Map a drive to the server instead of logging in. This is especially useful when connecting with the IPXTM protocol.
- Search for the server by its IP or IPX address instead of its name. Enter the IP or IPX address in the Server field of the Novell Login dialog box.
- Try connecting to the server and not the NDS tree by entering only the name of the server and leaving the tree name and context blank.
- Clear all unauthenticated connections. To do this, right-click the N icon and click NeWare Connections. Detach from all servers and trees that you are not authenticated to, and then try logging in again.
- Make sure your Preferred NetWork Protocol is set correctly by doing the following:
- Right-click the N icon.
- Click Novell Client Properties > Protocol Preferences.
- Select the desired preferred network protocol and click OK.
- Reboot the workstation.
- Unbind the protocol you are not using from the destination server. For example, if you are using IPX for the migration, but IP is bound on the destination server, unbind the IP protocol on the destination server during the migration.