Setting Up Logging for All Gateway Services

Logging can be enabled for all Novell® BorderManager® 3.7 gateway services from the configuration window for any gateway service. All gateways, however, must share the same log configuration. For example, if you enable and configure logging for the Internetwork Packet ExchangeTM (IPXTM)/IP gateway, logging for the IP/IP gateway and SOCKS 4 and SOCKS 5 services is enabled with the same parameters.

Logging is not required for gateway operation, but if it is enabled, the services that have been accessed and the source and destination IP addresses of each access are recorded. This information is useful for monitoring gateway performance and network security.

To enable universal logging for all gateway services:

  1. In NetWare® Administrator, select the Novell BorderManager 3.7 Setup page for the server.

  2. From the server's Gateway tab and under Enable Service, double-click an enabled gateway service.

  3. In the Logging Format field, select Indexed to enable event logging.

  4. In the Log Level field, specify a number between 0 and 3 that indicates the type of information to be logged by the server.

    The options are as follows:

    • 0---No information.
    • 1---Internet access information. The server records the user's fully distinguished NDS® or Novell eDirectoryTM name, the access protocol (HTTP, for example), and the destination (, for example).
    • 2---Error codes (for example, NDS or eDirectory errors). Level 2 information can help you determine why a user cannot access a particular service.
    • 3---Debugging information (internal server communications, such as socket calls). Level 3 information is typically of interest only to software developers.

    Each log level is additive; for example, level 1 information is also logged at level 2.

  5. Click OK to close the gateway service configuration window.

    Because the log configuration is universal, if you double-click another gateway service, the logging format and log level have already been configured. Note that logging is activated only after the Novell BorderManager 3.7 Setup page is closed.