Identity Manager: Importing Active Directory Users to the eDirectory Server

  1. Launch iManager.

  2. Click DirXML Management > Overview.

  3. Browse to and select the driver that you want to modify.

    In this case, select AD driver.

    Graphic of AD driver
  4. Click the Active Directory graphic.

    The following screen appears:

    DirXML Driver Overview Graphic
  5. Disable the default password creation rule by doing the following:

    1. Click the left-most yellow and green arrow icon (Command Transformation Policies).

    2. Select Password(Pub)-Default Password Policy from the policies list, then click Edit.

    3. Disable the policy rule "On User add, provide default password of Surname if no password exists", by clicking on the icon to the left of that rule.

    IMPORTANT:  Complete Step 5 before starting the driver for the first time to ensure that the User objects migrated to eDirectory do not have the default password set to the Active Directory user's surname.

  6. Migrate the containers into eDirectory.

    You must migrate the containers first, then migrate the users.

    1. Click Migrate into eDirectory.

    2. Click Edit List, select Organizational Unit, then click OK.

    3. Click Edit Class, modify the following values, then click OK.

      • Enter the path where you want the migration to start.

        This is the base container in Active Directory (in LDAP format) that was entered previously.

      • Select All descendants.
  7. Migrate the users into eDirectory.

    1. Click Edit List, select User, then click OK.

    2. Click Edit Class, modify the following values, then click OK.

      • Enter the path where you want the migration to start.

        This is the base container in Active Directory (in LDAP format) that was entered previously.

      • Select All descendants.
  8. Click the red minus sign icon in the upper right-hand corner of the Active Directory icon on the DirXML Driver Overview screen to start the driver.

    The icon (red minus sign) will change to a Yin Yan icon, showing that the driver is running.