The Role Mapping Administrator allows you to export a .csv file of the Identity Vault roles and any associated authorizations that are mapped to the connected system roles. This allows you to import the file into any third-party reporting applications to create your own custom reports.
To generate a report:
In the Identity Vault panel, click .
Fill in the following fields to filter information in the report. If nothing is specified, the report contains information about all roles.
Name: Specify the starts with criteria to filter on. No wildcards are supported. Leaving the field blank is the same as no filter being applied. For example, specifying an A returns all roles that begin with an A. The AND operator is used with the
field and the and fields.Categories: Select one or more values that a role must match before appearing in the report. The OR operator is used for the list of categories. For example, when you select
and the report returns any roles in the categories of Doctor or Nurse.Level: Select one or more values that a role must match before appearing in the report. The OR operator is used for the list of levels.
to generate the report.The filename for the report is idmrmap.csv.