You have three ways of installing a login method for use in eDirectoryTM:
The login method installer (METHODINSTALLER.EXE) is a stand-alone utility that installs login methods into eDirectory.
The nmasinst utility allows you to install login methods into eDirectory from a UNIX machine. The nmasinst utility is located in the \USR\BIN\NMASINST directory.
You can also use ConsoleOne to install login and post-login methods into eDirectory.
To install a login method using the login method installer:
Double-click on the login method installer executable (METHODINSTALLER.EXE).
Read the Welcome screen > click Next.
Click the box(es) next to the method(s) you want to install.
If you want to install a login method that does not appear on the list, click Change Directory and locate the NMASMETHOD directory that contains the login method you want to install > click Next.
Log in to the eDirectory tree as an administrator or a user with administrative rights. Provide the required authentication information > click Next.
(Conditional) If your LDAP server requires encrypted passwords, you will be prompted to accept the server's certificate for establishing a secure SSL connection or provide a certificate of your own > click Next.
Read the license agreement > click Accept > Next.
Review the login method information. You can change the name of the login method. The method name will used as the object name in eDirectory.
Click Next.
Review the Module list > click Next.
If you want to create a login sequence that will use this login method, check the box next to Create Login Sequence and accept the default name or provide a different name for the login sequence. If you don't want to create a login sequence, uncheck the box next to Create Login Sequence.
Click Next.
If the login method you are installing has ConsoleOne snap-ins that need to be installed, use the Browse button to provide a path to the directory where CONSOLEONE.EXE resides on your server. Double-click the CONSOLEONE.EXE file > click Next.
Review the list of methods that have been successfully installed > click Finish.
IMPORTANT: Before you can install a login method using the nmasinst utility, you must first install and configure NMAS on UNIX. See the instructions in the installation guide for installing NMAS on UNIX.
To install a login method using the nmasinst utility do the following:
From the server console command line, enter:
nmasinst -addmethod <admin.context> <treename> <config.txt path> [-h hostname[:port]]
If the login method already exists, nmasinst will update it.
IMPORTANT: Run ConsoleOne from a Windows client workstation by using the ConsoleOne executable located on the server at: server:SYS\PUBLIC\MGMT\CONSOLEONE\1.2\BIN\CONSOLEONE.EXE.
In ConsoleOne, select the Security container.
Right-click the Authorized Login Methods container.
Select New > Object.
The New Object Wizard starts.
Select the SAS:NMAS Login Method class > click OK.
Specify the configuration file > click Next.
The configuration file is located in the login method folder and is usually named CONFIG.TXT.
From the license agreement screen, click Accept > Next.
Accept the default method name or rename it > click Next.
Review the available modules for this method > click Next.
If you want a login sequence to only use this login method, check the appropriate check box > click Finish.
Review the installation summary > click OK.
If necessary, close and restart ConsoleOne to run the newly installed ConsoleOne snapins provided by the login method to configure the login and/or enroll users to use this login method.
IMPORTANT: Run ConsoleOne from a Windows client workstation by using the ConsoleOne executable located on the server at server:SYS\PUBLIC\MGMT\CONSOLEONE\1.2\BIN\CONSOLEONE.EXE.
In ConsoleOne, select the Security container.
Right-click the Authorized Post-Login Methods container.
Select New > Object.
The New Object Wizard starts.
Select the sasPostLoginMethod class > click OK.
Specify the configuration file > click Next.
The configuration file is located in the post-login method folder and is usually named CONFIG.TXT.
From the license agreement screen, click Accept > Next.
Accept the default method name or rename it > click Next.
Review the available modules for this method > click Finish.
Review the installation summary > click OK.
If necessary, close and restart ConsoleOne to run the newly installed ConsoleOne snapins provided by the login method to configure the login and/or enroll users to use this post-login method.