Those using NMAS login methods to log in to the network can customize the login by selecting a desired clearance and login sequence. Otherwise, the last login sequence and clearance (if any) are used. If no clearance or login sequence has been previously specified, the user defaults are used.
When the Novell Client dialog box appears, click Advanced.
Click the NMAS tab.
Select the desired login sequence from the Login drop-down list or browse the NDS® tree for a complete and current list.
NOTE: You can browse only if an NDS tree has been specified on the NDS tab.
Enter the desired user session clearance or browse the NDS tree for a complete and current list.
NOTE: By default, the clearance field is disabled. To enable the clearance field:
Right-click on the red N in the taskbar.
Click Novell Client Properties > Location Profiles.
Select the desired profile > click Properties > Properties.
On the NMAS tab, check Display Clearance Field.
Click OK > OK > OK.
IMPORTANT: Users might have multiple session clearances for each login sequence. Make sure that the Clearance field is filled in with the desired user session clearance.
Click OK.