IMPORTANT: You cannot remotely install the server components to a Windows NT or 2000 server.
From a Windows client machine, log in as the administrator to the server that you want to install the server components to.
Insert the NMAS Enterprise Edition software image.
NOTE: If you receive an error message stating that you need to update the Novell Client software, install the latest Novell Client software and reboot your machine.
For more Novell Client information, refer to the Novell Client documentation Web site.
Also, you may be prompted to upgrade to eDirectory 8.6.1 or later. If so, upgrade the eDirectory software.
From the root of the NMAS Enterprise Edition software image, run NMASINSTALL.EXE.
Check the box next to NMAS Server Components.
Click OK > follow the on-screen instructions.
IMPORTANT: If you recieve the error message "You have a newer version of file gams.msg, masv.msg, gamswrap.dll, and nmaswrap.dll on your computer. Do you want to replace the existing file with ... ?" select No so that the files are not replaced.
Reboot the server upon completion.
Log in as root to the server where you want to install the server components.
Insert the Novell eDirectory CD.
Go to the Solaris/Linux directory, as required.
Enter the following command:
When prompted, accept the license agreement.
The installation program displays a list of eDirectory components that you can install.
Select Novell Modular Authentication Service (NMAS) as one of the components to be installed.
NOTE: Make sure that you select Novell eDirectory 8.7 server components or have already upgraded to Novell eDirectory 8.7 server.
Enter the following command:
This configures the NDS objects in the eDirectory tree.
Configure NMAS using the NMASInst utility.
NOTE: You must configure eDirectory with ndsconfig before you configure NMAS. You must also have administrative rights to the tree.
To configure NMAS and create the NMAS objects in eDirectory, enter the following at the server console command line:
nmasinst -i <admin.context> <treename> [-h hostname[:port]]
Nmasinst will prompt for the user's password. This will create the objects in the Security container that NMAS needs, and install the LDAP extensions for NMAS on the LDAP Server object in eDirectory.
The first time NMAS is installed in a tree, it must be installed by a user with enough rights to create objects in the Security container. However, subsequent installs can be done by container admins with read-only rights to the Security container. Nmasinst will verify that the NMAS objects exist in the Security container before it tries to create them.
Nmasinst does not extend the schema. The NMAS schema is installed as part of the base eDirectory schema.