Filr converts documents to HTML to enable users to quickly view documents without the need of a separate editing or viewing application. (For information about how users can view files in HTML, see Viewing the File in Your Web Browser
in the Novell Filr 1.0.1 Web Application User Guide.)
Document conversions are saved and stored in the Filr cache store, in the /cachefilestore directory. After a document conversion has been saved, Filr does not need to convert the document to HTML the next time a user views the file in HTML, if the file has not been changed since it was last converted. This process of saving and re-using HTML conversions places less load on the Filr system.
To conserve disk space, the contents of the /cachefilestore/converted_html_files directory are deleted when the Filr appliance is restarted at a time when the /cachefilestore/converted_html_files directory exceeds 10 GB. If the Filr appliance is restarted and the contents of the /cachefilestore/converted_html_files directory do not exceed 10 GB, the contents of the directory are not deleted.
For information about how to manually delete document conversions, see Section 12.2, Deleting Saved Document Conversions.