The sections contains all the NovellĀ® audit events logged by Access Manager. Each event has the EventID, Description, Originator Title, Target Title, Subtarget Title, Text1 Title, Text2 Title, Text3 Title, Value1 Title, Value1 Type, Group Title, Data Length, and Data Type values stored. Each field contains a single character token (such as B, U, Y, and so on) that represent the data fields of the audit event, with each letter representing a different data field. The mapping of the character tokens to data fields is found in the nids_en.lsc and sslvpn_en.lsc files.
is listed among the log applications on the tab on the Logging Server Options page ( > ). You can view events on the Event list page in > > > > .
When you run an SQL query (Creating Novell Audit Queries
in the Novell Access Manager 3.0 SP4 Setup Guide.
This section discusses the following audit events:
Section G.6, NIDS: Received a Register Name Request (002e0006)
Section G.7, NIDS: Logged Out an Authentication that Was Provided to a Remote Consumer (002e0007)
Section G.8, NIDS: Logged out a Local Authentication (002e0008)
Section G.9, NIDS: Provided an Authentication to a Remote Consumer (002e0009)
Section G.10, NIDS: User Session Was Authenticated (002e000a)
Section G.11, NIDS: Failed to Provide an Authentication to a Remote Consumer (002e000b)
Section G.12, NIDS: User Session Authentication Failed (002e000c)
Section G.13, NIDS: Received an Attribute Query Request (002e000d)
Section G.15, NIDS: Failed to Provision a User Account (002e000f)
Section G.18, NIDS: Connection to User Store Replica Lost (002e0012)
Section G.19, NIDS: Connection to User Store Replica Reestablished (002e0013)
Section G.28, J2EE Agent: Web Service Authorization PEP Configured (002e0305)
Section G.29, J2EE Agent: JACC Authorization PEP Configured (002e0306)
Section G.31, Access Gateway: Authorization Policy Evaluation (002e0321)
Section G.32, Access Gateway: Form Fill Policy Evaluation (002e0322)
Section G.33, Access Gateway: Identity Injection Policy Evaluation (002e0323)
Section G.34, J2EE Agent: Web Service Authorization Policy Evaluation (002e0324)
Section G.35, J2EE Agent: Web Service SSL Required Policy Evaluation (002e0325)
Section G.39, J2EE Agent: Authentication Successful (002e0404)
Section G.41, J2EE Agent: Web Resource Access Allowed (002e0406)
Section G.42, J2EE Agent: Clear Text Access Allowed (002e0407)
Section G.43, J2EE Agent: Clear Text Access Denied (002e0408)
Section G.44, J2EE Agent: Web Resource Access Denied (002e0409)
Section G.51, Access Gateway: Identity Injection Parameters (0x002e050c)
Section G.52, Access Gateway: Identity Injection Failed (0x002e050d)
Section G.53, Access Gateway: Form Fill Authentication (0x002e050e)
Section G.54, Access Gateway: Form Fill Authentication Failed (0x002e050f)
Section G.56, Access Gateway: IP Access Attempted (0x002e0513)
Section G.58, Access Gateway: All WebServers for a Service is Down (0x002e0516)
Section G.59, Management Communication Channel: Health Change (0x002e0601)
Section G.60, Management Communication Channel: Device Imported (0x002e0602)
Section G.61, Management Communication Channel: Device Deleted (0x002e0603)
Section G.62, Management Communication Channel: Device Configuration Changed (0x002e0604)
Section G.63, Management Communication Channel: Device Alert (0x002e0605)