If you experience problems logging in to the Administration Console, you might need to restart Tomcat.
In a terminal window on the console machine, restart Tomcat:
Linux: Enter the following command:
/etc/init.d/novell-tomcat5 restart
Windows: Enter the following commands:
net stop Tomcat5
net start Tomcat5
If this does not solve the problem, check the log file:
Linux: /var/opt/novell/tomcat5/logs/catalina.out
Windows Server 2003: \Program Files\Novell\Tomcat\logs\stdout.log
Windows Server 2008: \Program Files (x86)\Novell\Tomcat\logs\stdout.log
Check for the following error:
Error Starting up core services. Application manager is Shutting down the Device Manager suite. Shutting down Device Manager suite.
(Linux) If you see this error, check the status of eDirectory:
Enter the following command:
/etc/init.d/ndsd status
If the status command returns nothing, you need to manually start eDirectory
Enter the following command:
/etc/init.d/ndsd start
Restart Tomcat.
(Windows) If you see this error, check the status of eDirectory:
Enter the following command:
net start “nds server0”
If the service has been started, this command returns a message that the service has been started. If the service has been stopped, its starts eDirectory.
Verify that the agent is running. Click
> , then verify that the box does not contain an agent closed message.If the agent is closed, run dsrepair.
Restart Tomcat.