This section discusses known issues and workarounds for upgrading.
Missing Parameter in the ArkSQL.cnf File after Upgrading from NetWare 6.5 SP1
Stop ArkManager 2.0.
Upgrade the server to OES NetWare.
Verify that the server is operating as expected, but do not start ArkManager.
Compare and modify values of non-system-specific information in sys:\arkManager\arkSQL.cnf with the ones defined in sys:\arkManager\arkSQL_sample.cnf.
Most importantly, make sure to add the following variable setting to the end of the file:
set-variable = transaction_isolation=READ_COMMITTED
Start ArkManager 2.0.
If you are configuring a new archive server after the upgrade, this setting is part of the updated sample arkSQL.cnf file, sys:\arkManager\arkSQL_sample.cnf. Use the updated sample file as a guide when setting up additional archive servers.
IMPORTANT:This defect exists for upgrades from NetWare SP1 to NetWare SP2 or later servers or OES NetWare servers. It was resolved in NetWare SP2 and is not a problem for upgrades from NetWare SP2.