A.1 NFS Server

Error: NFS Services initialization failed during eDirectory interface library (ndsilib.nlm). Error Code: n

Explanation: The ndsilib.nlm is not loaded.
Action: Execute dsrepair


Manually execute schinst -n -w on system console.


If the error continues even after executing schinst, then do the following:

  1. Make a note of all the nodes that share the NFAUUser object in that context.

  2. Delete the NFAUUser object.

  3. Run schinst -n -w on all the nodes that you made note of in Step 1.

Warning: < IP Address aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd> Failed to mount pathname. Either the path is not available or is not exported.

Action: Complete the following:
  1. Make sure that the pathname exists and is exported.

  2. Mount pathname afresh.

Warning: Could not resolve < IP Address aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd> to a name. Mount will fail. Add an entry in hosts file or DNS.

Action: Add an entry in hosts file or DNS.

Warning: Failed to resolve trustee <IP Address aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd> to a name. Add an entry in hosts file or DNS.

Action: Add an entry in hosts file or DNS.

Warning: Failed to resolve trustee < name> to an IP address. Add an entry in hosts file or DNS.

Action: Add an entry in hosts file or DNS.

Warning: The host < hostname> is not notified. Failure code: n

Possible Cause: Either the host is down / not reachable, or name resolution has failed.
Action: Make sure that the host is up and reachable.