3.3 Viewing Information about Address Spaces

You can see which modules are loaded in which address spaces.

In Novell Remote Manager

  1. Click Protected Memory under the Manage Applications heading in the navigation frame.

  2. View the address space information on the Protected Memory page.

  3. To view the modules that are loaded in a specific address space, click the Address Space Name link for the specific address.

At the System Console Prompt

  1. To display a list of loaded modules with their address space names, enter


    Each NLM name displayed is followed by the name of the address space where the NLM resides, the full utility name, version number, date, and other information. The module names are displayed in the order in which they were loaded.

  2. To display a list of all address spaces, enter


    Each address space name that is displayed is followed by a list of all modules loaded into that space, with a short description of each module.