3.5 Unloading Protected Address Spaces

To unload a module from a protected space or to unload the space itself, use the commands in the following table at the System Console prompt or in the Memory Protection Console Interface fields on the Protected Memory page in Novell Remote Manager (accessed by clicking Protected Memory under the Manage Applications heading in the navigation frame).

Table 3-10 Procedures for Unloading a Module from a Protected Address Space


Enter this command at the System Console prompt

Do this on the Protected Memory Page of Novell Remote Manager


Unload all modules from the designated address space and remove the space.

unload address space = space_name

Click Unload in the Unload column of the Address Space Information table for the address you want to unload the modules from.

unload address space = address_space1

Unloads all the modules from address_space1, closes address_space1, and then returns its resources to the system.

Remove an address space without unloading the modules first.

IMPORTANT:Because you might experience a delay in unloading the address space or cause other modules to malfunction, use this command only if you know the space can’t be unloaded with the unload address space command.

unload kill address space = space_name

Click Remove in the Remove column of the Address Space Information table for the address space you want to remove.

unload kill address space=address_space1

Removes address_space1 without unloading modules and returns its resources to the system.

If a module hangs while it is being unloaded with the unload address space command, the system waits a specified time and then displays the following error message:

Module_name in address_space did not unload yet. Killing the address space is the only way to remove the NLM. Should the address space be killed? Yes/No.

If you answer Yes, the system shuts down the address space without unloading modules from it. If you answer No, the system waits a specified time and displays the message again.

You can designate the amount of time before the message appears by setting the Hung Unload Wait Delay (Error Handling category) parameter. The default is 30 seconds.

In some circumstances, the server might not completely clean up an address space that has faulted. This failure is caused by NLM programs that are not written to allow external cancellation.

When the NetWare operating system cannot clean up an address space after it faults, it sends an alert message to the server console. If you execute the protection command, the address space will be listed as in the clean-up failure state.

Because you cannot unload an address space that is in the clean-up failure state, you must shut down and restart the server to recover the remaining resources from the address space.