6.10 Viewing and Editing an Object's Configuration

The Directives frame displays the configuration of the current object, or the object you most recently selected from the Objects list. The directives shown are those that are unique to the currently selected object. Additional directives are inherited from objects higher up in the Objects list and are typically not visible (unless you click Configuration File, which lets you view all directives being applied to the current object).

For example, if you created a server called Tycoon in a server group called NetWare Servers and selected it from the Objects list, the Directives frame would display the following list of directives, or the current configuration for Tycoon:

StartThreads 25
-StartThreads 50
MaxSpareThreads 50
-MaxSpareThreads 65
MaxThreads 1024
-MaxThreads 250
Listen 82
ServerAdmin you@your.address
DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var index.php index.pl
-DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var
Include "SYS:/adminsrv/webapps/welcome/web-inf/welcome-apache.conf"
Include sys:/tomcat/4/conf/tomcatdocs-apache.conf
Include sys:/tomcat/4/conf/tomcatadmin-apache.conf
Include sys:/tomcat/4/conf/tomcatmanager-apache.conf
Include sys:/apache2/conf/mod_nsn.conf
Include sys:/apache2/conf/mod_perl.conf
Include sys:/apache2/conf/mod_php.conf

Notice that the StartThreads directive appears twice. The first StartThreads directive sets Tycoon's total number of starting threads to 25. The second StartThreads directive is inherited from the configuration settings of the NetWare Group. Because Tycoon's own configuration already contains a StartThreads directive, Apache Manager disinherited the second StartThreads directive by adding a minus sign (-) at the start of the directive.

If you clicked the server group object NetWare Group to which Tycoon belongs, the directives frame would display the following list of directives, or the current configuration for the NetWare Group:

ServerRoot "SYS:/APACHE2"
ThreadStackSize      65536
StartThreads            50
MinSpareThreads         10
MaxSpareThreads         65
MaxThreads             250
MaxRequestsPerChild      0
SecureListen 443 "SSL CertificateDNS"
DocumentRoot "SYS:/APACHE2/htdocs"
ErrorLog "|SYS:/APACHE2/bin/rotlogs.nlm sys:/apache2/logs/error_log 5M"
CustomLog "|sys:/apache2/bin/rotlogs.nlm sys:/apache2/logs/access_log 5M" common
Alias /icons/ "SYS:/APACHE2/icons/"
Alias /manual "SYS:/APACHE2/manual"
Alias /error/ "SYS:/APACHE2/error/"
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "SYS:/APACHE2/cgi-bin/"

These directives are inherited by Tycoon and by all other objects below NetWare Group.

6.10.1 Disinheriting Directives

Directives that have been inherited from objects higher up in the Objects list can be disinherited. This allows common configurations to be shared among all Apache Web servers but also lets you customize each Web server's configuration.

  1. Select the server group, server name, virtual host, module, or block that you want to modify.

  2. In the Directives frame,type a minus sign (-) before each directive that you want disinherited.

  3. Click Save.

6.10.2 Disabling Inherited Objects

You can disable inherited objects that the current Apache server (the one you last clicked in the Objects list) might inherit for its configuration. Doing so removes them from the configuration of the current server.

Inherited objects are inherited from objects one or more levels above the object that you want to modify.

To disable a server's inherited objects:

  1. Select the server that is inheriting objects that you want disabled.

  2. Click Disable Objects.

  3. On the Disable Objects For Server: server_name page, select each object from the list of objects by selecting their check boxes.

    Objects that are not selected remain inherited.

  4. Click Save.